jueves, 25 de junio de 2009

Prologe - Lonelyness - The story of how a child became a lone cub

Nathan used to be a child, as any other person in the world ever was one time, he used to be happy, playing with his toys and his friends. By this time he was like any other child, he hated homework and wanted to become someday an astronaut. Her family was a very loving one and he was happy with them, he loved her mother and her father more than any child loves their parents, and his parents loved him even more. They ensured he was safe and educated him so he, someday, would become a great person and a great professional, a nitzchean übermann. He obey them blindly, knowing that they wanted the best for him, so he studied, and felt happy studing because that made his parents happy, and that made him happy.
But this years wouldn't last and one day, when Nathan was 8, a new child came to his school. As any child he went to talk to him, soon he realized that that child ,for some reason, didn't like him, and as any other child of his age does he started to bother him. He also noticed that that kid was tring an succeding to make his friends not to like him, so he felt real sadness for the first time in his short life.
With the best sence of cold undchildish logic he got to the conclution that he never wanted to feel like that again, and ,in order to do so, he would be alone, counting on his parents for support and company. He decided to become a lone wolf by being first a lone cub, and this is how it all began.

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