jueves, 28 de mayo de 2009

Nota sobre "Elements"

Hola, espero que les aya gustado la serie "Elements", esta en ingles xq se me ocurrio escribirlas en ingles, aunque mucha gente q usualmente lee(o leia) este blog tiene suficiente conocimiento del idioma para entenderlo. Para los que no saben ingles, no confien en el traductor de google, lo traduce muy mal, despues posteare "Elements" en español para hacerlo mas accesible a las masas del pais. Ahora empezare a escribir "Prologue" una serie de 5 historias cortas que son la explicacion de lo que paso mucho antes de "Elements" y sabran un poco de Nathan Danniels y de como se metio en esta complicada situacion. Asi como en "Elements" vendra acompañado de una cancion que creo sera la mas adecuada para cada historia.
Mucho mas adelante ira saliendo "Revelations", pero eso es otro tema que dejare para mas adelante.
Suerte y gracias de una manera u otra...
Auf wiedersehen.

martes, 26 de mayo de 2009

Reality - Epilogue of the short series of stories about a child's path to manhood

Nothing Nathan made changed the tides of what was ment to happen. All he did was useless, but he learned a great deal of experience and a new look of the world. As he moved across the lonely train he remembered all of what he had ever felt for her, and felt a lot of sorrow. He felt the universe was with him and against him at the same time, as everything he experienced made him suffer but taught him a lot about life and it's maquiavelic moves. He just wanted to go back in time with everything he knew then so he could undo every mistake he made so it would have been all better, but deep inside himself he knew that that would be all wrong. He realized, like Don Quijote did, that not all his thoughts were wright and that he may crash a lot windmills just if he kept pretending they were all giants.
He had broken the shell of the fake world Hesse described on "Demian" and he was now on the path of becaming a man, and nobody would stop him, not even himself. He has his eyes wide now and he is armed with the knowledge he has taken from every experience. He is prepared to really live now.

domingo, 24 de mayo de 2009

Light - The last story about a path to really understand himself

Everything seamed to be confusing to Nathan, he thought the desition he made would make him happy, but he was misserable. Since the day he made that desition, he's known that something had to be changed. He reflected about this for a long time, trying to figure out what really what was really important to him. Every experience he had had taught him a new aspect of his life and made him think about everything he knew. He constantly asked himself if everything was real or not, if he was living in the real world or in an illusion he had created himself to emulate the real world, if every person saw the same colors as he did, if what he had done was the right thing to do and if he would change anything if he had the chance to go back in time.
He had grown up more in that week than in the past yearand he sudendly remembered a dream he had long ago, when everything was sunflowers and sunshine. He was in a path of light in a pitch black darkness, following a white dressed woman, the road didn't wanted for him to meet her, so it stoped him by graving his feet, but he kept running till he got free of the road. Then a black dressed woman appeared and begin to sing beautifully, like a siren, but he didn't stopped moving, so the woman stabed him on the back, but he kept running. When he got really close to the woman, himself appeared in front of him and stabbed him on the heart, but kept moving and he reached the woman, then he falled before even touching her, so he a word in a lenguage he couldn't fully understand in that moment. The woman heard the word, turned back, and hold him in her arms, she say that word and kissed him bringing him back to life, so could walk through that bright road and see togeter what was beyond it.
Nathan then undestood the word he said, and everything became clear, the dream was not a prediction but a warning, to reach her he needed to grow up and understand it. He then knew what he needed to do. He openned his eyes, grabed his coat and got in way to met not only destiny, but his real self, to tell everything he had learned and to do it without thinking in the future, because it cannot be predicted. he was going to demonstrate her what was really behind that man she knew as Nathan Danniels.

sábado, 23 de mayo de 2009

Air - A story about thoughts and feelings flying through the air

Nathan looked at Alice's eyes and she looked somewhere else pretending she didn't saw the tender look he was having. He opened his soul to her, getting in response just an ice-cold face. Alice was the queen of snow land, but Nathan new that deep inside her, there was still something burning that the ice would not extinguish, he was trying to lighter it.
He's perfect plan was failing, he knew the possibility of success was low, but the odds now were against him and his hope was reduced to ashes. He began to think in strategies to get out, to solve everything or somethings in a way they would do the less harm. He began to think about distances and about the life in other places. He wanted to fly, to fly to never land, to go pass the second star to the right and keep going forward into dawn. His spirit wanted to be free of that cave it was into. He really wanted for all the pressure to stop, a quick way would be sufficient to do that, but it would mean to loose all he had worked for. He would now aim for a different objective, he would end everything in a good way, rather than the best way for him. It may not be so good for both of them, but it would leave everyone happy. He felt like hamlet, to be or not to be, that was the question, he said to himself.
In a sudden move he end everything the way it would leave everyone but themselves happy. He hugged her, and said the most pain phase he ever said till now, and kissed her goodbye.

jueves, 21 de mayo de 2009

Fire - A story about a man's struggle with his thoughts

A unnatural atmosphere was surrounding Nathan in his trials and tribulations. Right at that moment he was standing in front of the most unforgiving jury, the straightest judge, and the most feared and respected prosecutor. Next to him was only his lawyer, a man of few words and a strong conviction to justice, but he was a timid man and find it hard to speak in front of many people. The court was crowded with people, many of them were total strangers, Nathan recognized them all, however. The long room was filled with feelings, many of the them dangerous, many other were kind, but the bast majority was confused, who wouldn't be confused in such a situation.
The judge asked Nathan the reason of him being there, Nathan responded with the truth and only the truth, he didn't know what was happening, the only thing he knew was that he was there for something important, very important. The judge accented, he then asked the prosecutor to read the charges.
Nathan couldn't believe the charges, thought they were a bit over-exaggerated they were right. He had done all the things he was accused of doing. one of the worst things one can do to himself. He had lost confidence in himself and he had fallen into a self-regret spiral, doing nothing to stop his deterioration and recover some of his lost dignity. He had abandoned himself in the time he was more needed.
He knew what to do now, he knew it still wasn't late enough, so he stood up and spoke for himself as he never spoke before in his life, with words and phrases that could have been part of a Shakespearean play. A long silence then filled the room, everyone in the court was astonished as they have never thought Nathan would have done that the way he did. The silence was broken by the sound of an applause, then another, and soon the all the room was filled with the sound of clapping hands and cheering mouths.
Nathan had defeated his most feared enemy, himself, and now he was ready to defeated any other enemy he encounter in his quest. He opened his eyes, and looked in her eyes.

miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2009

Earth - A story about thoughts above and below the ground(la traduccion esta abajo)

In the darkness of the night, Nathan adventured through a hole with a renewed hope, and armed with the best of his weapons. As he descended down the tunnel he found the temperature was raising, not only the outside temperature but his body temperature too; all he seamed to think about was what to do in the long feared situation he was moving into.
He kept walking down the aisle until he get to a cave where a beast was waiting with its mouths wide open. Abstracted in his thoughts as he was, Nathan just entered it automatically seconds before the mouths closed. Then the beast began moving producing a sound so loud that silence every other sound. However, the sounds of Nathan's thoughts was so strong that the beast sounds paled, and became nothing but a fly's noise to him.
As a mathematician he carefully analyzed the situation and stated all the variables, as an engineer he carefully planned a strategy to solve it, and as a physicist he assessed every consequence of the actions he would take. After what it appeared to be hours of carefully planning he founded the perfect plan. It was accurate and precise, flawless and foolproof, if followed perfectly it would lead to certain victory.
Waking up from this trance state he got into, he realized that he was almost at the subway station he was supposed to get down.
"A perfect plan almost ruined" he said in relief as he got to the surface and began his path to meet destiny.

Tierra – una historia sobre pensamientos sobre y debajo de la tierra

En la oscuridad de la noche, Nathan se aventuro atreves de un hoyo con una esperanza renovada, y armado con sus mejores armas. Mientras descendía por el túnel vio que la temperatura se elevaba, no solo la del ambiente, sino también su temperatura corporal; todo lo que parecía pensar era que hacer en la largamente temida situación a la que el se movía.

Siguió caminando a traves del pasillo hasta que llego a una cueva donde una bestia estaba esperando con la boca bien abierta. Absorto en sus pensamientos, entro en ella automáticamente segundos antes de que la boca se cerrara. Entonces la bestia empezó a moverse produciendo un sonido tan fuerte que ahogo a todos los otros sonidos. A pesar de eso, los sonidos de sus pensamientos eran tan fuertes que los de la bestia palidecieras, pareciéndose al sonido de una mosca.

Como un matemático, cuidadosamente analizo la situación y estableció todas las variables, como un ingeniero, el planteo la estrategia para resolverlo, y como un físico el asesoro todas las consecuencias de sus acciones. Después de lo que parecieron horas de cuidadosa planeación, el encontró el plan perfecto. Era sencillo y preciso, sin fallas y a prueba de tontos, si lo seguía perfectamente tendría la victoria asegurada.

Despertándose del estado de trance en el que se encontraba, Nathan se dio cuenta que el subte casi llegaba a la estación donde tenía que bajarse.

-Un plan perfecto casi arruinado” dijo, mientras subía a la superficie a encontrarse con su destino.

martes, 19 de mayo de 2009

Water - First out of five shot stories about a man and his thoughts

Reality then seamed like a long forgotten dream for Nathan as he moved across the partially flooded room. It looked like an image of the Odyssey, where Ulysses got to a long forgotten island to find his real destiny. The truth then seamed like lies and confusion filled his lonely soul. What really mattered for him was to get out of that desperate state he found himself into, but the torturing truth was that there was no scape possible, he was trapped into that small ancient room with nothing more than the feeling of water wetting his feet.
Nathan then saw in front of his an obscure figure that was no more unreal than himself. In an attempt to contact this figure Nathan asked him his name. As nothing but a dead whisper came out of his mouth, he wondered how he has got there, and how could that awkward figure came out of nowhere in the blink of an eye.
He got even more desperate as silence seamed to be the only language the figure spoke. He moved towards the figure to get a better look of it, but the more he moved the further the figure seamed to be. At this point of the situation Nathan gave up all hope of reaching his destination. He sat and closed his eyes waiting for the inescapable to come.
Soon he found peace in his thoughts, where only existed the sound of water and the sight of beams of light moving across the water to enlighten the deepest of his thoughts. There was light then, he found the truth inside him and the answer to the questions he asked himself while in desperation. Then he stood up and walked slowly to the figure, as it came closer the clearer it looked to him as the sound of water moving calmed him down and the once dead hope revived.
He then saw what the figure really was, himself. The once unknown figure told Nathan:
"Good, you finally realised, now comes the hard part...Open your eyes"
Nathan the woke up soaked to the bones in sweat, he would now start to live his life as he never did before.